The fascination of the Vegvisir: A compass from the Viking Age

The Meaning of Vegvisir

A fascinating symbol from the Viking era, the Vegvisir still has strong symbolic meaning today. The name "Vegvisir" is believed to come from Old Norse and literally means "signpost" or "marker of the way". In Norse mythology, the Vegvisir was considered a protective symbol for travelers, guiding them safely through uncharted waters. It was often worn on ships and as an amulet to protect its wearer from danger.

The Viking Rune Compass

The Vegvisir is often called a rune compass because it is composed of various Nordic runes. These runes are said to give the compass additional magical powers and increase its effectiveness. The Vegvisir usually consists of eight arms extending from a central point and surrounded by circles or other geometric shapes.

The Pronunciation of Vegvisir

Correctly pronouncing the word "Vegvisir" can be a challenge for non-North Germanic speakers. In Icelandic, it is pronounced something like "Veg-vi-seer," with the "i" in "seer" sounding like the "i" in "sie." In other North Germanic languages, the pronunciation may vary slightly, but in general the sound remains similar.

How the Viking Compass Works

The Vegvisir was used by the Vikings as a navigational tool to help them on their long sea voyages. Although there are no exact records of how the Vegvisir worked, it is thought that it was based on magnetic properties and helped the Vikings determine direction based on the position of the sun or the stars. It is also believed that the Vegvisir had a spiritual component and was meant to provide its wearer with protection and guidance on their journeys.

The Symbolism of Viking Symbols

The symbols found on the Vegvisir all have deep symbolic meaning in Norse mythology. Some of the most common symbols that appear on the Vegvisir are the Vegvisir itself, the Hrungnir heart, the Aegishjalmur, and the Ægishjálmur alongside the runic inscription. These symbols represent different aspects of Viking life, including protection, strength, courage, and navigation.

Why is the Vegvisir still so popular as a motif on T-shirts and sweaters today?

The popularity of the Vegvisir as a motif on T-shirts and sweaters is explained by its deep-rooted symbolic meaning and the enduring fascination with Viking culture. The Vikings are today considered a fascinating and mystical culture that stands for adventure, strength and the spirit of discovery. The Vegvisir, as a symbol of this time, represents protection, guidance and the desire for adventure for many people.

Fascination for Germanic tribes and Vikings in modern times

The fascination with Germanic tribes and Vikings in modern times is a phenomenon that can be observed in various areas of pop culture. Films, books, video games and television series often use the subject matter and create a romanticized idea of ​​the Viking Age. This romanticization leads many people to identify with Nordic culture and use symbols such as the Vegvisir to express this connection.

Magical Attraction of Nordic Symbolism

The magical appeal of Nordic symbolism goes far beyond the time of the Vikings and is also used in today's esotericism and spirituality. Many believe in the power of symbols and use them for protection, luck and spiritual development. The Vegvisir is often worn as a talisman or immortalized as a tattoo to give its wearer power and protection.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Vegvisir

What does the word "Vegvisir" mean?
The word "Vegvisir" comes from Old Norse and literally means "signpost" or "sign-maker".

Does the Vegvisir have a spiritual meaning?
Yes, the Vegvisir was considered a protective symbol by the Vikings and was often worn as an amulet to protect its wearer from danger.

How do you pronounce "Vegvisir"?
In Icelandic it is pronounced something like "Veg-vi-seer".


The Vegvisir continues to fascinate with its mystical aura and symbolic meaning to this day. Its deep-rooted symbolism, combined with the enduring fascination with Viking culture, makes it a timeless motif that appeals to people all over the world. Whether as a piece of jewelry, tattoo or decorative element on clothing, the Vegvisir remains a powerful symbol of protection, guidance and a spirit of adventure.

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